Profile of 12012
In 2007, the band performed the ending theme, Cyclone, to the Gonzo anime TV series, Romeo x Juliet, its single being released by Universal Music Japan on June 13, 2007. The group has also toured Japan on many occasions as well as performing at concerts in numerous international locations.
How the band formed
As Wataru explained, after the breakup of Lubis Cadir he wanted to form a new band, but he hated the thought of a band that only focuses on the singer. He didn't want to ask anybody because he hates to be refused, so instead he was waiting for the people he actually wanted to make the first step. Hiroaki was one of the guys he had in mind, and due to some miracle Aki on his own initiative asked Wataru to join a new band with him. Yuusuke wanted to have a new band with Tooru, but they couldn't find a singer, so they also asked Wataru. At first Wataru didn't want to be with Yuusuke in a band again, but he agreed because his style fit the new band's concept. Finally Tomo got invited, but he refused them because he wanted some peace before joining any new band, and he also had invitations from other bands. But when he visited the four guys in the studio and jammed with them, he immediately decided to join. After Lubis Cadir broke up, Wataru actually wanted to stop singing completely if he can't find the right band members, so I think he was (and we are) very lucky!
VO. 宮脇渉 [Miyawaki Wataru]
Born on July 23, 1980 in Ehime prefecture.
Previous band: Lubis Cadir (used the stage name 狂夜 Kyouya = "Crazy night")
Favorite food: Rice
Dislikes: Curry
How did you become interested in music? One morning I woke up and there was a microphone at my pillow.
Where can you relax the most? At home, in my bed
Hobby: Games
If you could one wish granted, what would it be? Flying
What would you do if you weren't a musician? Ambassador for Japan
Wataru writes all the lyrics for 12012. He likes to be called "creator" instead of "vocalist". In a surprisingly gloomy interview he revealed that he suffers a lot when he's writing lyrics. As for the band's concept, he explained he can't really trust people, and always ends up trying to figure out what's going on in others' deepest thoughts. This makes him feel lonely at times. It was quite a shocking revelation, since he's usually laughing and joking around a lot.
He used to play soccer in elementary and high school. However, he completely gave it up for the sake of music. He used to like punk and Yutaka Ozaki, but his first band (at the age of 15) was a VK copy band.
He likes to read a lot, he said reading is as much of a daily habit for him as brushing teeth. He also likes movies, especially suspense stories. His favorite director is Kitano Takeshi.
Said in an interview that he's learning to play the violin, what happened to it?
He's a very friendly guy with a lovely speaking voice.
GU. 酒井洋明 [Sakai Hiroaki]
Born on June 25, 1982 in Ehime prefecture
Previous bands: Louisa, Cell'June, Killa (used the stage name Aki)
Height, weight: 183 cm, 60 kg
Favorite food: Bread
Where can you relax the most? In front of my PC
Hobby: DJ
What do you do in your free time? I don't have free time
What would you do if you weren't a musician? Scientist
12012's main composer (although all band members take part in writing songs).
He was the one who suggested to Wataru that they should form a band (which became 12012).
Hiroaki has 2 Dan in karate. He actually wanted to be a karate teacher, and study sciences at the university as well! He indeed has a weird scientist in him, from making unexpected/philosophical comments during interviews to being a big gadget freak. He loves PCs, DJ turntables and cars (especially Ferrari), and he's a regular iTunes user. Aki's father used to be in a band, too. He visited some of Aki's concerts, sometimes leaving in the middle of the show because "the sound was bad". Since the US tour the others call him "Hiroyaki" (apparently this is how the American pronunciation sounded to them.)
GU. 須賀憂 [Suga Yuusuke]
Born on June 9, 1980 in Ehime prefecture
Previous band: Lubis Cadir
Height, weight: 174 cm, 56 kg
Favorite food: Almost anything
Dislikes: Green peas
Current interests: Looking for a hobby
Where can you relax the most? At home
If you could one wish granted, what would it be? Moving to a new place
What do you do in your free time? I don't have free time
What would you do if you weren't a musician? Designer
Yuusuke had all kinds of plans for the future, such as becoming a photographer, a Formula 1 racer, or a professional baseball player. But like the others, he ended up in 12012. He started guitar lessons in elementary school. He actually wanted to play the saxophone, but it was too expensive. Speaking of photography, he loves taking pictures in his free time; some of his photos were even used for the covers of "Play Dolls" and "Heart"! He didn't used to get along too well with Hiroaki in the beginning, but now they joke about this a lot. The only person in the band with blood type A (the others are all B). Apparently he's (or used to) driving the band's van a lot. Once they got into an accident near Nagoya. But apart from Tooru spilling his food and Tomo hurting his neck, they were lucky.
Has many nicknames, some fans call him Yuu, Tomo calls him "Gacchan".
BA. 塩谷朋之 [Enya Tomoyuki]
Born on October 7, 1980 in Kushiro, Hokkaido
Previous band: Mist of Rouge (as Tomo)
Height, weight: 183 cm, 58 kg
Favorite food: Cake
Dislikes: Raisins
Where can you relax the most? Bathroom (admittedly takes baths for hours while listening to music)
If you could one wish granted, what would it be? Can you do something about my clumsy personality?
What do you do in your free time? Writing songs
What would you do if you weren't a musician? Can't imagine
Tomoyuki learned the piano in elementary school. (He plays the synthesizer in 12012 songs.) He hated having to sit in the piano school instead of playing outside, but now he's grateful for his parents' insistence because through the piano lessons he acquired a feeling for music and he can read notes. He started playing the guitar in senior high, but found it too small so he switched to the bass guitar.
Tomo's father is a shakuhachi master (traditional Japanese bamboo flute), he used to try to "jam" with Tomo while he was practicing the piano, but he only managed to annoy his short-tempered son. Likes movies, especially Johnny Depp's Edward Scissorhands. (He's a huge Johnny Depp fan! Wataru actually calls him "Johnny".) He also likes to read a lot, especially classical literature, one of his favorite books is "White Nights" by Dostoevsky. He generally loves summer, the sea, fireworks festivals, and girls in yukata (summer cotton kimono).
DR. 川内亨 [Kawauchi Tohru]
Born on April 11, 1983 in Ehime prefecture
Previous bands: Dictator, De'sert, Nejire
Height, weight: 175 cm, 56 kg
Favorite food: Rice omelette
Dislikes: None
Current interests: Heavy metal
Where can you relax the most? Home
Hobby: Watching movies
If you could one wish granted, what would it be? Please give me money
What do you do in your free time? Sleeping
What would you do if you weren't a musician? Carpenter
He wanted to play the guitar as a child, but his parents didn't want to buy him one. In order to win their favor, he would put strings on a cardboard box and "perform" for them. His first band was founded in high school - his friends had already all picked an instrument, only the drums were left.
He used to like Siam Shade. He prefers Japanese music to Western bands, he even likes Ken Hirai. He especially loves ballads. He would love to sing ballads when going to karaoke bars with the other band members, but he restrains himself, because it would make the mood gloomy. (Because of this he even considered going alone a few times.) Once he sang "Vomit", but Wataru got really mad at him.
Tohru also loves soap operas, he says he's a real "terebikko". He loves role playing games as well. Has a strange mascot: a plastic box with a Rirakkuma in it - he calls it the "Forbidden Box", and nobody's allowed to open it. But since he grew up with 5 sisters (4 older and 1 younger sis), we shouldn't be too surprised by his funny habits.
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